Blitz ==> Sage (Dynamo series)



Sage V6

Author : Adrian Millet

Creation year : 1992. Versions still go on, but I don't know what number is the last one.

Previous programs (or related programs) : All Dynamo, Sage and Sofia series

Following programs :: -

Development language : ?

Computer : PC

Operating system : Dos 5.0 and + for first versions, Windows for more recent ones.

Level : Group II

Comments :

A good program, very much diffused in shareware (probably the most diffused in the world).

In the American checkers / British draughts version, this program is a very good one.

Adrian Millet has made a lot of games in this series (Canadian, Spanish, Brazilian checkers, Russian shashki, International), that he named Dynamo.

He made an American/British checkers (and an Italian one) that he named Blitz. Then, when Blitz was very much improved, it became Sage.

You receive some of these games (in limited version) when you order a complete version of one of them.

But, when you buy a version, you will not receive the improved versions free. You will have to pay again.

You can go to PC Solutions site (Adrian Millet's site)

Price : about 100 F or 10£ for standard version, thinking limited to 1 mn/move, but more expensive (about 300 F or 30£) for complete version (unlimited thinking). Take care when you order, it is not very clear on ordering text.

