Dynamo (Sage)



Author : Adrian Millet

Creation year : 1992. Versions still go on, but I don't know what number is the last one.

Previous programs (or related programs) : All Dynamo, Sage and Sofia series

Following programs :: -

Development language : ?

Computer : PC

Operating system : Dos 5.0 and + for first versions, Windows for more recent ones.

Level : Group II (master)

Comments :

A good program, very much diffused in shareware (probably the most diffused in the world).

Adrian Millet has made a lot of games in this series (Canadian, Italian, Spanish, Brazilian checkers, Russian shashki, American/British checkers, ...) and you receive some of them (in limited version) when you order a complete version.

But, when you buy a version, you will not receive the improved versions free. You will have to pay again.

You can go to PC Solutions site (Adrian Millet's site)

Price : about 100 F or 10£ for standard version, thinking limited to 1 mn/move, but more expensive (about 300 F or 30£) for complete version (unlimited thinking). Take care when you order, it is not very clear on ordering text.

