GOTO Dames



Author : Société GOTO

Creation year : 1994

Previous programs : -

Following programs : -

Development language : C++

Computer : PC

Operating system : Windows 3.1 for the first versions, then Windows 95 or +

Level : Group IV (1600 to 1800 points)

Comments :

Before Windames 3D, it was said to be the most beautiful draughts program.

It was also said it was the worse (1600, like Dames 2020), but it became lightly better after that and reached about 1650, that is not very good. Then “Céphalée” and “Jeu de dames” came in the shops, and they gave a lower reference far away from Goto Dames.

I must recognize that it is very pleasant to use (I like to “grasp” the pieces), and that the help file is well organized.

Some problems (I don't speak about its weakness) :

- you can set both “thinking time” and “level” ; so you can think that you can set them independently, but it is wrong ; if you set one, you set directly the other one.

- some pieces disappear on the former versions.

Go to Goto's site

Price : 90F to 150 F (it depends on the box, with or without other games).

