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Author : Leo Nagels

Creation year : 1985

Previous programs : -

Following programs : -

Development language : code machine Z80 (on ZX Spectrum), Turbo Pascal (on PC), then Borland Turbo Vision (on PC)

Computer : ZX-Spectrum 48K (then ZX-Spectrum + and 128K ), then, in 1987, PC (8086), then, in 1996, (version 4.30) Windows 95.

Operating system : Windows on the last version

Level : Group II (2000 to 2200 points)

Comments :

Leo is a fanatic of draughts programs. He organizes every year the championships and tournaments. He presents always Cerberus, improved every year, but not enough to obtain the results that Leo should hope.

But Cerberus is a vey valuable opponent for most of human players.

Price : ?

PC Programs are available at :

L'Esprit bookshop


KNDB, Postbus 100 6990 AC Rhenen (Gld), Phone number : 026-4952309

Magnetic cassettes for Sinclair still available (15 Florins) at :

Sinclair ComputerClub Benelux, Selanswei 25, 9012 CM Raerd, Holland. Phone number 0566-602562.

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