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Authors : Vincent Diepeven and Marcel Monteba

Creation year : 1996 for Bonk (1995 for Diepratel)

Previous programs : Diepratel (1995)

Following programs : Napoleon (end of 1996).

Development language : C and assembleur 68000.

Computer : PC UNIX

O system : UNIX

Level : Group II (2000 to 2200)

Comments :

Bonk has had a short but good life (6th at Holland computers championship in 1996, for his first and alone participation). It quickly let place to, Napoleon, one of the best programs available nowadays.

Vincent writes the algorithms (he is a specialist in that domain, and made one of the best chess programs in the world, Diep), Marcel is the checkers specialist.

Go toVincent Diepeven' home page (mainky about his chess program).

Price : not distributed

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